Dr Stanley's ECG Course Logo

When time is cardiac muscle, turn to Dr. Stanley’s….

STEMI ECG Recognition
Review Course


One of the most sobering tasks we encounter in the daily practice of medicine is recognition of the Acute STEMI (ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction).

  Introducing Dr. Stanley’s STEMI ECG Recognition Review Course.  This intermediate review ECG course is awarded the highest level of accreditation with the AMA PRA (Physicians Recognition Award) for 6 Hours Category I CME or 6 Hours Nursing CE.  The STEMI Review Course is an ideal stand-alone or supplemental review course of Normal ECG & Classic STEMI patterns.  Dr. Stanley starts with the basics of 12-lead placement, then trains the provider to dissect ECG and STEMI versus Non-STEMI patterns through waveform analysis. Using the H-E-A-R-T analysis acronym to help determine STEMI criteria and patterns, providers will work through 4 online modules, pre and posttest as well as online ECG quizzes.

Target audience: Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, RNs, EMS, Paramedics, Monitor Technicians, Medical Students.

Cost: One-time fee of $90

Dr Stanley's STEMI Recognition ECG Review Course Image
Emergency Medicine Physician | Dr Stanley's ECG Courses

Take Worry Out of the Dreaded STEMI


Does this sound familiar?  It’s 2 a.m. on a Saturday.  You are the lead medical provider in a 15-bed ER.  The computer reading on the ECG states: “Nonspecific ST Changes”, “Diffuse T-wave changes”, “Benign Normal Variant, Cannot Rule Out STEMI”  What!?!? 

We know the computer interpretation on the ECG is notoriously flawed to say the least.  In the setting of an acute STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction), time is cardiac muscle.  You must recognize even subtle changes on the ECG quickly.  

In 2020, *Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) remained the leading cause of death accounting for nearly 1 Million fatalities in the USA.  Such morbidity and mortality costs around $400 Billion dollars in medical costs and lost wages (*AHA Journal). 

  • ^Nearly 1.2 million Acute MIs / Year
  • Occurrence: approximately 1 Acute MI every 26 minutes in the US
  • First symptom of CVD may be Acute MI (STEMI) or Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD)

^ref here for more information 

**STEMI (ST Elevation MI) vs NSTEMI (Non-STEMI) ECG

These terms (STEMI vs NSTEMI) generally represent 2 types of heart attacks as follows:

  • #1: In the case of a STEMI on the ECG, there is a complete blockage of the coronary artery.  
  • #2 Regarding NSTEMI on the ECG, there is a partial blockage of the artery.   (**additional references)

The Answer?
Dr Stanley's 6 Hour Cat I CME/CE
STEMI Recognition Review Course

Ranked #1 Online ECG Course by Digital Defynd 2022 & 2023!

And read what our Providers have to say…

"Wonderful course. Helps organize sequence of (STEMI) ECG analysis. Enough examples to cover the basics well. Thank you for taking the time to create this great course online."
~ Don R.
ER Physician
"Thank you so much for all of your help; all of my staff feel that this is an excellent course to both learn and refresh."
~ Jeanette T.
Hospital CME Coordinator
"Well organized and flexible, it has been a fresh and fast review. I will look forward to…all further activities that Dr. Stanley …[has to] share with us online. Thanks very much…"
~ Paolo M.P.
Medical Doctor, UK

What’s Included with my Purchase?

Ready to Jump In?

STEMI ECG Recognition Review Course Outline:

  • Module 1: The Normal ECG (including P-QRS-T wave formation & basic and special lead placement), brief discussion of STEMI vs NSTEMI Criteria, Classic STEMI ECG Patterns (Acute Anterior, Septal, Inferior, Anterolateral & High Lateral, Posterior and Right-sided MIs) with a STEMI ECG Pre-Test Quiz
  • Module 2:  STEMI ECG Mimic Patterns Including – LBBB and Sgarbossa’s Criteria, LVH, Brugada Syndrome, WPW (Wolf-Parkinson-White), Acute Pericarditis, Pacer Rhythm, Terminal QRS Distortion, Ventricular Aneurysm, SAH (SubArachnoid Hemorrhage), plus STEMI ECG Quiz 2 
  • Module 3: Wide Complex Tachycardia, HyperAcute T-waves, Severe Stenosis of the Left Main Coronary Artery (LMCA) & online STEMI ECG Quiz 3 Review
  • Module 4: Online STEMI ECG Recognition Workshop Final Exam
Sample STEMI ECG Recognition Review Course Images…
Terminal QRS Distortion STEMI Recognition Course Dr Stanley
Terminal QRS Distortion Stanley's STEMI ECG Course Image
ST Segment Analysis ECG STEMI Recognition
ECG Peaking Hyperacute T wave Diagram Acute STEMI

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr Vernon Stanley Creator Online ECG Courses

Meet Dr Stanley


For 40 years, Dr. Vernon Stanley, MD, PhD has worked to develop quality continuing medical ECG education courses with a focus on interpretation of the 12-lead ECG by all members of the medical team. 

A veteran Emergency Physician and previous Regional Medical Director, Dr. Stanley has been a guest lecturer for physicians, medical professionals and medical students.  He has long believed that early intervention in the Acute MI and early recognition is a vital key to the best patient outcomes.  He was a pioneer of the first pre-hospital 12-lead ECG cellular-to-hospital system in West Virginia.

Want to Review All 5 of Dr Stanley's Online ECG Courses?
All courses are awarded the highest level of AMA PRA Category I CME (approved for physicians, NPs & PAs) and nursing CE!