Chronic Subdural Hematoma Copy

·  A chronic subdural hematoma is an “old” collection of subdural hemorrhage.
·  The secret to recognizing the chronic SDH is in knowing that the evolution from fresh blood to old blood results in a color change from white to a light gray.
·  The shape of the lesion will follow the description as given for the acute SDH.
·  Be aware that the chronic SDH is often similar in color and texture to the normal brain tissue i.e. it nearly blends in with the surrounding tissue—– you must therefore be particularly vigilant in your search if the risk factors listed below apply to your patient.

·  Risk factors include
……….More common in the elderly.
……….Heavy alcohol use patient.
……….History of head injury ( might be an apparent insignificant injury ).
·  Common symptoms
……….confusion, ataxia, decreased memory.
……….Focal weakness.
·  Treatment possibilities
……….Anticonvulsant medications.
……….Neurosurgical evacuation of hematoma.


Illustration 141 Chronic Subdural Hematoma

. . Remember : All intracranial hemorrhages require neurology/neurosurgical consultation.

Now let us look at the characteristics of the acute epidural hemorrhage
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