12-Lead ECG Interpretation Course


To pick up where you left off, please scroll down to the Module which does not contain a green check and click on it.  Then scroll to the Topic under which you left off where you do not see a green dot and click on it.  Alternately, you may use the navigation menu to the left of this page.  

Course Description:  The 12-lead ECG Course is a 30-hour comprehensive course.  For rhythms coverage, we recommend the Animated Rhythms Course.  It is recommended that, if time permits, the participant read the first 129 pages of the Textbook (12-lead ECG Interpretation for the Medical Personnel) before beginning the online portion of the 12-lead Course.  This will aid in the approach which Dr. Stanley takes to the interpretation of the 12-lead ECG.

To start the course, click on the “Module 1…” heading to the left (side bar navigation) or below this text.  When you have completed a given topic or section, you will see a green dot to the left of that topic to let you know you may progress to the next topic.

Important note:  You will have to move through the course in a step-wise, “page-by-page” fashion.  The course is intentionally designed to not allow you to skip over any online pages, questions or sections.

We encourage you to utilize our content and tech support when taking this course.  Simply click the “Contact Us” link at the top of the homepage and enter your inquiry.  Content questions are answered by Dr. Stanley (about link) & his team of Midlevel providers directly.

  • Section 1: Anatomy and physiology of the Normal Heart
  • The special electrical conduction tissue
  • Intervals and their Normal Range
  • Attachment of the Leads
  • Section 2: Vector Concepts
  • Predicting the waveshape of the Normal 12-Lead ECG
  • Section 3: Characteristic of the T-wave
  • Section 4: Homework Exercises

Student Assignments

  • Textbook Pages 1-36 1H-10H, 56H-60H (Handbook found in back of text)
  • Workbook Pages 1-6, 23-25 Interactive Coloring Page 2
  • Practice Worksheet #1, Page 5
  • You may opt to refer to additional reading assignments above pertaining to this module.  NOTE: This reading assignment will refer to the written material (text and workbook) you received in the mail.  The following will utilize the Tracings Manual: Homework Sets #1 and # 2; Exercise Set #1