Second Degree AV Block (Mobitz II) Animated Tutorial
Please review the following animated video tutorial of Second Degree AV Block (Mobitz II). There is an optional audio file which may be played simultaneously.
Please review the following animated video tutorial of Second Degree AV Block (Mobitz II). There is an optional audio file which may be played simultaneously.
A malfunctioning AV node (the pathology often extends to the HIS Bundle and distal branches) of the Mobitz II is characterized as follows: The PR
Please view the following video animation on Second Degree AV Block (Wenckebach | Mobitz I). There is also a supplemental audio file which may be
Characterized by an AV node malfunction as follows: Each PR-interval gets progressively longer until a beat is dropped. Then the cycle repeats itself. This is
Please see the animated video below with optional audio covering Second Degree AV Block (Mobitz II). The audio may be played simultaneously with the video.
Please see the animated video below with optional audio covering Second Degree AV Block (Wenckebach | Mobitz I). The audio may be played simultaneously with
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