Throughout the course you will see the Heart icon as shown below. This will appear on a given window to indicate a reference to the Rhythms Field Guide. When this heart appears, please turn to the page number referenced in the slide.

This course will cover all the common rhythms you will encounter in your practice of medicine. The content will be separated into 3 MODULES (see below) and will be divided according to importance and 2 additional MODULES of testing, ending with the Final Exam (Module 6).
The specific goal of this course is to cover all common rhythms you will encounter in your practice of medicine.
It is designed to prepare you for an advanced life support class, board review or board re-certification.
Over the next three Modules you will be presented the guidelines of the most common rhythms you will encounter in your practice of medicine. They will be presented in the form of an animated tutorial for each rhythm.
As you view these tutorials, please embed the following in your cerebrum:
1 . Notice the color shading of the heart drawing and its corresponding voltage and waveform of depolarization-repolarization on the P-QRS-T complex.
2 . The purpose is to instill in you a fundamental understanding of the source of the waveforms and to avoid rote memory of the rhythms. ie, You must be systematic-analytical regarding the rhythm interpretation.
3 . Be aware that the depolarization wave propagates in a wavefront-like manner (taking note of the direction of the wavefront and the time at which it occurs), much like the ripple effect of a pebble striking the surface of a still body of water. This concept is the essence of understanding the rhythms and their recognition.
As you read the online text and observe the animated tutorial, follow the material as referenced in the FIELD GUIDE. This will serve as an enhancement and will make the pocket guide more valuable as a future reference book.