When Time is Cardiac Tissue, turn to Dr Stanley’s….
Learn the language of ECG Interpretation with Dr. Stanley’s most comprehensive course: the Advanced 12-lead ECG Interpretation Course. This advanced ECG training course is awarded the highest level of accreditation with the AMA PRA (Physicians Recognition Award) for 30 Hours Category I CME or 30 Hours Nursing CE. The Advanced 12-lead ECG Interpretation Course is an in-depth, comprehensive study of advanced concepts of ECG interpretation. Dr. Stanley starts with the basics of 12-lead placement, then trains the provider to dissect ECG patterns through waveform analysis. ECG topics include: Normal ECG patterns, LBBB, Sgarbossa criteria, RBBB, LVH (Left Ventricular Hypertrophy), WPW (Wolf-Parkinson-White), Lead avR, Pericarditis and more…
Does this sound familiar? It’s 2 a.m. on a Saturday. You are the lead medical provider in a 15-bed ER. The computer reading on the 12-lead ECG states: “Non specific ST Changes”, “Diffuse T-wave changes”
We know the computer interpretation on the 12-lead ECG is notoriously flawed to say the least. You could wait for the cardiologist to read the ECG, but by then 1-2 hours have passed. In the setting of an acute MI (myocardial infarction), time is cardiac muscle. You must recognize even subtle changes on the 12-lead ECG quickly.
But don’t just take our word for it…
Ranked #1 Online ECG Course Digital Defynd 2022 & 2023
“The Advanced 12-lead ECG Course provided an in-depth explanation of how to systematically evaluate the ECG. Before, I had not known how to do this. The course is really excellent. Thank you for creating it for medical providers to access online. It’s so helpful!”
~Aaron F, PA-C
“This (12-lead ECG) CME was very information and detailed! Great learning venue being online. Final exam definitely thought-provoking, but well worth the 30 credit hours for the price. Thanks for this intensive program.”
~ Leslie L, MD
“I am a PA in cardiology and the (12-lead ECG) course was wonderful. It cleared up a lot of questions I had about ST segment/T-wave abnormalities in the setting of RBBB, LBBB, LAFB, and LVH. Thank you! “
~ Carlos C, PA-C
“I’m an ole’ Army guy with numerous years of experience teaching overseas and believe that everything should be broken down to the simplest terms…you have done just that with your course.”
~ Rusty T, EMT-P
A suggested ECG course syllabus is provided with the materials & is available online!
For 40 years, Dr. Vernon Stanley, MD, PhD has worked to develop quality continuing medical ECG education courses with a focus on interpretation of the 12-lead ECG by all members of the medical team. A veteran Emergency Physician and previous Regional Medical Director, Dr. Stanley has been a guest lecturer for physicians, medical professionals and medical students. He has long believed that early intervention in the Acute MI and early recognition is a vital key to the best patient outcomes. He was a pioneer of the first pre-hospital 12-lead ECG cellular-to-hospital system in West Virginia.
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